If you are new to this blog series, please start here: Dreadless: An Introduction. The empty three gallon bucket challenged me from across the wide expanse of my living room. Beside me stood an identical bucket, full of bright green tennis balls. I gripped one ball in my hand and flung it […]
Yearly Archives: 2016
If you are new to this blog series, please begin here: Dreadless: An Introduction. Daylight is growing around me as two lanes transform into four and the evergreens of Snohomish County fade into a concrete jungle of buildings and noise barriers. On a freeway where a moment before I was cruising […]
I’m going to interrupt regular programming on this blog for about a month to tell you all a story. Today’s blog was supposed to be 101 TIWIK #80: Methods of Distribution. As I started writing it, I came to the realization that I don’t know nearly enough about the subject to […]
This is it. You’ve written your book, dragged it through countless revisions, edited it a million times, formatted the text into a slick interior design, and put an amazing cover on it. And now, today, your proof copy has arrived in the mail and you are holding the book in your […]
Judging a book by its cover has a bad rap, but how else is a potential reader supposed to judge it? In a glance, a good cover can tell you everything you need to know about a book. Genre, author, whether it’s part of a series, what the book is […]
The author bio is possibly the most important bit of back matter you can include in your book, which is why I’m devoting an entire post to it here. It can also be the most difficult thing you’ll ever write–which is why it’s useful to boil it down to the […]