The final phase of formatting your book and turning your manuscript into a novel will involve a great many questions. How should you title your chapters? Should you title your chapters? Should your chapters be individual scenes, or a collection of several scenes? What about putting a quote or something […]
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Front matter matters. So does back matter, for that fact. But front matter matters more. This is because front matter is what readers of your book will almost certainly see first, especially if they are browsing using Amazon’s Look Inside feature. It makes the first impression on your readers, and […]
You’ve decided it’s time to publish your book. You’ve decided to go the indy route and publish it yourself. And because you don’t want to spend a lot of money not knowing how your book will sell, you’ve decided to do the interior formatting and design yourself. But the last […]
Yesterday I offered some perspective on what may be the most important question a writer can ask, when is my book finished? Today, I’m going to take a step back and ask what is most likely the second most important question: now that I think my book is ready, how […]
In a world where going from manuscript to published book is as easy as Upload, Click, Publish, this question is even more important than it has ever been. Is my book ready? Does it need one more edit? What if it’s not perfect? Am I going to ruin my reputation […]
Before we get to today’s post on how to check for and correct consistency in your manuscript, I have a fun little story to tell about how good things can come out of weird mistakes. A couple of posts back, when I was introducing the copy edit section on grammar, […]